Robotics training package Robotex Iran

Robotic pack or educational robotic packs marked with ROBOTEXIRAN brand from the license of technological and educational office in Iran. This pack is made in Iran with the goal of teaching mechanics and the mechanics of designed robots. This pack involves an advanced designing software that is known as the virtual MEC. This software is taught to children and students in order to make them learn better and understand 3D shapes and structure. This pack can help students in variant educational aspects. For example students can learn all kind of stuff like mathematic ,physics ,science ,technology and … . in simple ways just by using and learning this pack. Educational robot mechanical packs include books with scientific order to make new jobs and take a step further in the education system.
This packs follow global standers like other products in METALLUS and MECCANO company. we can use this pack in order to make variety of modern and industrial structures and simulate different robot body parts and robots. There is more than one hundred different pieces and the number of them in the smart pack is about 340.these pieces have variety of colors and all of them are made from metal and ABS plastic.
Scientific headlines are according to educational books for taking a step further in education and making new jobs for different age category and age groups. This pack can be used in different age groups from elementary school to university and it can even cover the needs of the industry. It can be used from basic to advanced levels of craft. This educational set can help children and students to grow their creativity and scientific thoughts and show powerful concentration and desire for learning. production of these educational packs in Iran, develop employment and caused prosperity in robotic field at national level.
By using the smart advanced set, you can make your dreams reality
This pack is based on advanced packs that are designed and made in Meccano company in Germany. These packs include complete sets of building parts like: variety of belts(straps), gears, chain sprocket, pulley, metallic sheets and… . they also include two DC motors with metallic gearbox which is one of the advantages of this pack compared to other ordinary packs
This pack is suitable for the following individuals:
Students of robotics
Students of mechatronics

Mechanical parts inside the robotic pack: